Thursday, August 20, 2009

Kapalai Island

Between Sipadan and Mabul Island lies a sand bar known many years aga as Kapalai Island. Unfortunately, erosion has taken its toll and now the sand bar sits on top of the reef known as the Ligitan Reefs, a very extensive-stretch bording the deep and vast Celebes Sea. Sipadan-Kapalai Resort is atually a water village style resort built above the water. All structures are erected on water and guests are able to observe the antiecs of squids and needlefish from their chalet balcony.

The underwater scene together with nearby Mabul offers some of the best "muck-diving" in the world. Race subjects such as flamboyant cuttlefish, blue-ringed octopus, sea moths, and mating mandarin fish are seen on a regular basisi. Giant frogfish, ribbon eels, harlequin ghost pipefish and crab-eye gobies are seen on many of the dive sites.

They jetty dive itself has plenty to offer including leaf scorpion fish, pink-eye gobies, ammonium shrimps and the comical antics of the mantis shrimp. Other frequently seen creatures such as the crocodile fish, lionfish and scorpion fish are almost ignored as being too common!

1 comment:

  1. I am looking for go on vacation this Island, can you tell which would be best Island for me to go on vacation with my family..........


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